Pre-order information


To pre-order one of my stylised curled-up ceramic Sighthounds (approximately 9-12cm across), you'll need to sign up to my Ko-fi Membership at 

It costs £1 a month to join my Super Sighthound Supporter 'club' (unfortunately Ko-fi doesn't allow free memberships) but you can cancel at any time. You can also visit my Ko-fi page without signing up to see the example photos in my gallery. 

As a Super Sighthound Supporter you'll have access to the pre-order slots in the Commissions section of my main Ko-fi page. When you sign up for a pre-order slot:

- You can choose any colour from the gallery (on my Ko-fi page). Please note that I CANNOT COLOUR-MATCH TO A PHOTOGRAPH. It is just not possible with the glazes that I use.

- Choose either a solid coat, generic coat pattern (white trim or ‘and white’) and/or a black mask.

- Alternatively I can try to pattern match to photographs - i.e. put the white bits in the right places.
Please bear in mind that glazes move during firing and mental gymnastics are often required to reorientate coat patterns into the curled-up position of the hound, so total accuracy is not always possible.

- There is a non-refundable deposit of £1. (The system sets a minimum price.)

Please note that this isn’t a commission in the sense of producing an identical portrait of your dog, but will be one of my smooth-coated stylised sleeping hounds in the colour(s) of your choice. 

I can’t be definite on time scale - ceramics takes as long as it takes, but it’s usually a minimum of 4-6 weeks between each final glaze firing. This cannot be rushed, so please don’t order if you have a definite deadline for a gift, for example. 

Ceramics can be unpredictable. Glazing is one part heat, one part chemistry and one part magic, so things can go wrong if the kiln gods are not with you! If you don’t like your hound, we can give it one more go in the next firing (in 4-6 weeks) if I think anything can be done to rectify the issue. 

You’ll only be charged when you’re happy with your hound. I will send you photographs for approval. This will be a PayPal invoice sent to you by email, which can be paid for by PayPal, credit or debit card and affords you payment protection. Hounds are currently £55 plus £5.35 p&p.

Please note that I'm still only shipping within the UK. If you are outside of the UK but have a friend/family member in the UK who can send it on to you or hold onto it until you visit, that's absolutely fine but you will need their UK address to be able to complete the pre-order 'form'.

And finally, I do have a long waiting list and consequently it may be some time before you get your hound. I appreciate your patience with this.